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Current Work

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UX Designer and UI Developer

UX Designs (Internships 2021)

UX Design Intern

Genomics Institute

Web & Digital Graphics Specialist

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Research Papers


User Interface
Eye-Tracking Study

Researched and designed an eye-tracking study that investigates the user interfaces of online learning applications, such as Canvas. The main goal is to improve the UI of educational softwares, decrease test anxiety, and ultimately enhance children's online learning environments.

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Research study that investigated the effects of social distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health amongst young adults and teenagers.

Research Study



Technical paper written on brain-computer interfaces. It explains the computer software, technologies, and AI/ML concepts used to build one, its practical applications, and concluding with an ethical discussion.

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Coding Projects

Space Fetch

Using a recursive backtracking algorithm and practicing HTML/CSS formatting, a random maze is generated with several difficulty levels. Features include: keyboard controls, 5 difficulty levels, a play/pause music button, and a hidden message that is activated when maze is completed.

Lighting of a 3D Virtual World using Phong Shader. Features include: a 3D Virtual World created with textured cubes, Phong Shaders using ambient, diffuse, and specular lighting, Buttons to turn on/off animation of lighting.

3D Virtual World

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UX Design Intern
June 2021 - Sept 2021 

During my summer internship at Cisco, my work involved the full stack of designing user interfaces– from gathering requirements by interviewing Cisco employees and potential partners, to creating tangible designs with Figma, Adobe Illustrator, and other editing applications. I was able to showcase my creative ability to conduct user research to gather information, create solid wireframes, and communicate my work both visually and with the rest of the team.

I also had the opportunity to work directly with Cisco's Director of Engineering, Maulie Dass, on several notable projects, where I conducted research, created mockups, and created presentations for Tier-1 partners.

Here are some of the projects I worked on!

I worked on a multi-modal sensor data analysis application that extracts intelligence and insights based off of different sensors. I worked closely with Maulie Dass (Director of Engineering) on this project.
Using Figma, I researched and designed mockups of different use cases for the purpose of presenting these ideas to four Tier 1 partners... 

Image by Matt Gross
Image by Matt Gross

Artificial Intelligence Sensor

Innovare Design Library

Innovare is the reusable design library specific for the Cisco Innovations Lab team to use. Its purpose is to establish a recognizable style and brand consistency within this team. I used Figma and Adobe IIllustrator to design Innovare’s site pages, components, style, icons, and typography using a neuromorphic-inspired design...

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This is a networking tool that contains foundational network services that could be used to create different softwares. I worked with Bruce McDougall (Cisco's Principal Sales Architect) on this project.
I interviewed different users of the application, including a software developer and an investor, to gather information and create a storyboard...

Networking Tool 

This is digital healthcare and wellness solutions marketing platform. For this application, I researched similar platforms and ultimately designed the mockup of a marketing website. The mockup was presented to higher up executives and potential Tier 1 healthcare

partners. The goal of this... 

Digital Healthcare Application

Siggy is an internal project-tracking application used by Cisco’s Emerging Technology & Incubation (ET&I) team that monitors the progress of current projects.

This feature allows for internal members to vote and discuss which ideas seem would most exciting and achievable to transform into a real-life...


This is a network solution service that finds the optimal internet connection between hosts or cloud providers for clients such as gamers.
I improved this existing UI, implementing a dark mode among additional features that would allow for easier navigation for users across the world map. The ultimate goal was to make the UI as intuitive as possible for its...

Image by Matt Gross

Network Solutions Service

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