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As part of VIPER's Mission Systems team, I spent a majority of my time at NASA working on Open MCT. Open MCT is an open-source mission control software and data visualization tool that is supporting multiple missions at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), as well as VIPER based at NASA Ames Research Center. 

A lot of my work on Open MCT involved designing new features and improving on existing ones to improve the overall User Experience of the software. I later transitioned to additionally doing some UI development as well, with the use of Vue.js. Lastly, I was involved in writing e2e visual tests for the features I designed and developed, and participated in rigorous regression and bug testing, ultimately making Open MCT mission-ready for VIPER.

NASA logo.png

Notable Design Work

*NOTE: Due to NASA's confidentiality regulations, many design projects will not be able to shared to the public

Design and implemented the ability for Open MCT plots to support the use of more than one Y Axis. 

Overlay Plots with Multiple Axes

Designed and developed a new theme plugin for Open MCT. Went through the entire user experience of gathering user research, needs, moodboards and more. Designed the theme using Figma, and developed the final product using HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

Darkmatter 1.png

Darkmatter Theme

Designed the user experience, and developed the designs for the Global Search capability for Open MCT– allowing users to type in keywords, select their desired result, as well as other user interactions, while building layouts. 

Search Example.png

Global Search

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