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In compliance with NDA standards, much information, names, and documents have been redacted.

Siggy is an internal project-tracking application used by Cisco’s Emerging Technology & Incubation (ET&I) team that monitors the progress of current projects, or Bold Bet ideas. I used Figma to design a new feature to be implemented– forum and discussion page for submitted Bold Bet ideas. This feature allows for internal members to vote and discuss which ideas seem would most exciting and achievable to transform into a real-life application. During this time, I also had the opportunity to interview individuals within the ET&I team to learn about their opinions on the current version of the tool, as well as their needs and goals, and better understand ways we can redesign this application.


During my time at Cisco, I learned the importance of the Siggy tool to the members of the team. It contained most, if not all, of the information that tracks the statuses of projects and possible contacts, and information that could propel current projects forward. When redesigning parts of Siggy, I had to ensure that the features were intuitive, easy to use, and most importantly– helpful to the team. 


My first step toward redesigning Siggy was to interview members of the team who used this tool on the daily. With that, I interviewed two members who were part of the Communications and Marketing teams. My questions revolved around learning more about their day-to-day experiences with Siggy, their opinions on the current version of the tool, and any aspects that they would like to be improved or to be implemented.


There are two main details that stood out to me and helped me construct my designs for Siggy: 

There is no convenient tool that allows us to track partners or companies we talk to, or to provide any updates with projects. Each member of the team is requested to give a weekly update on the project they are pursuing. Currently, they simply emails their manager with updates, who then manually writes it into a document.

Since there is no central tool for all team members to use, there is an evident lack of communication within the team, leading to the team often feeling disconnected from one another. This also causes delays on projects and miscommunications on relevant and important information.  


The information I gathered during my interviews helped me start brainstorming features that could make Siggy become a more positive and helpful experience within the team. 


Lack of a central, uniform tool that allows for communication between groups.


Create a tool that keeps all the potential project ideas in one, central place. Internal members can vote on the ideas and have an online discussion on which ideas would seem most exciting and achievable transform into a real-life application. It will bring back a sense of unity within the team.

Maybe Reddit-inspired? 

Feature 1


Unorganized emails to manager with project updates. 


Construct a user-friendly website form with all of the necessary inputs. Team members can simply fill out the form, in which its contents will automatically be submitted to a spreadsheet with necessary updates. In that way, all updates and information will be available on a central and organized document.

Feature 2


Using Figma, I constructed mockups of the two features I brainstormed. 

The designs were inspired by Reddit's forum, allowing for members to vote up or down on project ideas. Members could also annotate the project proposals, posing questions and allowing for discussions between members. 


I also designed a website forum within Siggy with all the necessary input boxes (which I had gathered during my interviews). Each internal member who is required to submit a weekly update would be able to do so through this form, which will update the spreadsheet containing the information pertaining to that specific project. It will take a lot of tedious work off the manager's back and keep all the information organized

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