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Network Solutions Service

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This is the first project I had worked on during my internship at Cisco. It is a network solution service that finds the optimal internet connection between different hosts or cloud providers for clients such as gamers around the world. I improved the existing UI, implementing a dark mode among new  features that would allow for easier navigation for users across the world map. The ultimate goal was to make the UI as intuitive as possible and adding several features that would make it easier for the users to focus on choosing the correct host for them.


This was the original UI of the tool. It was very bland, and not too appealing to the user's eye. The grey was washing out the interface, and all of its additional colors. In addition, it was difficult to interact with the tool, such as navigating the map and clicking on individual ports. 

After studying the original interface, I began brainstorming ways to improve the overall look and feel of the interface and came up with the following:




  • Better contrast between background and icons 

    • Darker background? 

    • light grey against texts for subtle contrast

  • Better brand consistency

    • More "Cisco Blue", maybe as accents​

  • Let the "important" features pop

    • Red and orange lines for the optimal paths, etc. ​

  • Add a logo that represents the tool well



  • Search bar

    • allows users to look up locations they are interested in ​

  • Zoom in/out feature on map

    • can focus on specific area of the map ​

    • will enlarge the ports as well, easier to click 

    • located on bottom right

  • Legend 

    • information on the different logos on the map and what they mean​


With the ideas I brainstormed, I redesigned the original UI. With the darker background, the interface looked a lot more modern and appealing to a customer. In addition, the new features would be of more assistance to users to help them navigate through the tool and ultimately lead to them having a good experience and wanting to use it more often. 

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